We are pleased to announce we can now take more names onto the waiting list for our reduced-fee places.
Reduced-fee places are for people living on means-tested benefits or earning less than the Real Living Wage – or in other exceptional circumstances of financial stress. We take applications on trust. When you are allocated a counsellor, you discuss your circumstances and agree a fee that is manageable for you. The rate is a sliding scale from £10 up to the standard amount.
If you would like to apply for a reduced-fee place, please fill in the form on the contact page.
The waiting time will vary, as it depends on your free times matching with a free space. Please give as many options as you can for your weekly appointment time, so we can get you booked in as soon as possible. We aim to keep the waiting time to under 3 months. We will close the waiting list when it starts to get longer than that – but for now, we’re glad to say it’s open.